Sunday, March 25, 2018


Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen (Hebrew 11:1).

If you have lived on this earth long enough, chances are that you have been through trials or are currently facing difficulties that requires you to exercise some faith. Perhaps the problem seems astronomical, too daunting and the possibility of a solution requires nothing short of a miracle. So, what do you do? How do you deal within the situation?

This is the dilemma I am currently facing. As a believer in Christ, I know that there is an answer. The Word tells me that without faith it is impossible to please God. It also tells me that sometimes God lets us go through difficulties to test us or to allow his glory to be revealed.

What is life without trials? It is through them that we have been blessed with some of the greatest creative expressions; that classic artwork, that timeless song, or dance or that invention that change the lives of many. It is through the hardships that we get to appreciate the blessings that are birthed through them. It is through hardships that we are able to really cherish the mountaintop moments. As these are the moments that were cried for and prayed for, fought for while journeying through the valley.

I do not know what battles you face, but I urge you brother, I urge you sister, keep moving do not stop. Keep the faith alive. Look for the small buttresses; supports, that are sent your way to help you along the journey. You can make it; I can make it. Just do not quit!

Lord, help us continue on our pathway to our destiny and allow us to experience pleasure along the way. Although the journey will seem rough, Lord reveal yourself to us and remind us of your presence in our lives. Your word says that all we need is a faith as small as a mustard seed. This means that we do not need much.  Lord we thank you for your provisions and praise your matchless name. Amen.

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